Friday, September 17, 2021

52+27 the WTFs keep on keeping on

 September 17

I was going to maybe write things during the week, but hey, once a week is better than not. J said this morning that his mind is not holding on to things - yes, well. Not sure what to do, but setting up routines and maybe seeing a doctor (that will go well) and planning for the long haul a little? Healthier food, vitamins and more exercise.

This morning I was thinking of the routines I am holding on to - my French lessons and my game and doing the bowflex again (on week three of at least five minutes at least five days a week - this week I have done 11-11-12-13 minutes and next week will be up to 14 and then 15 where I will stop for some time). Wondering what the routines would have done for me when I was younger and not able to complete one whole week of attendance in high school. Remembering my English teacher who had to meet with me to let me know he gave me an A under protest - "I have to give you an A, but I don't want to" he said - not out of meanness, but to point out that my absence and lack of focus was a problem. Yeah, well. I did the same thing in college and am still not sure how I got through.  ... and another habit, reading with Rachel. We did make it through all of Paradise Lost and the Two Gentlemen from Verona - this Sunday we start on The Taming of the Shrew.

Oh, a former student wrote months ago and asked if I wanted to speak at a conference for teachers in February, on the theme of heroes - I said yes and asked if I could speak about the problems with heroes as well. I heard nothing and thought maybe they didn't like my idea and yesterday they wrote back and said they finally got the schedule all sorted and was I still interested. Yes, yes of course I am - and glad they don't hate me. 

I made earrings and a necklace this week - two actually. One blue and pink set and one purple. It helps my head. Now if I can only get caught up and find time for reading. 

Politics are for shit right now - voter suppression - abortion under threat - and tomorrow a march to support the heroes of January 6. WT everloving F.

Later today I will get to donate blood - very very excited about that. Finally! (and yes it worked and yes I gave and can do it every two or three months).

Don't know what else; there is just too much of everything. 

 ---- Later MW came by and said, among other things, that it can take a year, over a year, to recover from serious illness and not to worry.

World  227,248,986 cases - 4,673,731 dead - 5,848,695,269 vaccine doses

US 41,810,387 cases - 670,447 dead - 381,696,476 vaccine doses

Texas 3,908,459 cases -  61,205 dead 338 

Sweden 1,144,982 cases - 14,775 dead - 13,403,076 vaccine doses


September 19

New lights on the balcony - saw 12 Monkeys yesterday and I am still touched by Bruce Willis' desperate attempts to save humanity, both his own and that of the world.

Tikkun Olam - to heal the world - to strive toward the betterment of mankind and the universe.  Had bagels and lox for breakfast at HoneyBerry - really good food but J got it stuck in his throat.

Falling apart a little again, but trying to find perspective. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

52+6 WFT goes on and on and on (inheritance and the 613ths commandment of the Torah)

 April 19

World   141,124,378 - 3,017,555
US   31,669,880 - 567,217 dead
Texas   2,850,575 - 49,595 dead
Florida  2,168,901 - 34,439 dead

Sweden  900,138 - 13,788


April 20

Talked to the evaluator and learned that Länsförsäkringar does not help with internal paperwork, only with an actual sale. The evaluation itself is likely low in the current climate and a current sale could give an additional 25%. A bank would want a new evaluation after 3-6 months. A broker normally charges 3% and marketing costs. There is a capital gains tax of 22%. If you inherit real estate you inherit the purchase price, if the original purchase was too long ago, you can use 150% of the value listed in 1952 according to 

Lunch and then a walk in the park with binoculars!!

History capstone presentations -- about a lot of things, but memory and testimonials - zakhor - and about the 613 commandments of the Torah -- "the last commandment of the Torah [which is] participating in the actual writing of a Torah.

 Putting my writing in a context, an actual requirement to be an eyewitness to my life, because my life like that of others, is a part of the weave.




52+26 - writing again

 September 10, 2021

Gah. This was nudged because our new writing coach told us to write and is setting up a SWAG group that I will nto be part of but I will attend the workshops. How appropriate to return this week, which marks eighteen months of pandemic panic. Gah, indeed.

Monday was Labor Day - I was mostly exhausted over the weekend and stayed home while Jim went to help James after his grandmother's house blew up. Sunday we had tried to go to Austin but they were closed by the time we got there. Saturday was a wonderful evening with Laurie and Tim A and Hugh - "where does the time go".







What are your distractions?

Disclosure control / confidentiality

Every Friday at 9 am - be there on time.November 19.


First 10 minutes - settle in, check in 

-designate a note taker- writing goals etc, record in google doc

-what are you working on? 

-how's the weather

-what tasks will you tackle, get specific


So very many things - Alice left to work for BBS, John stepped down and SW took over and is ten kinds of awesome. I went to Sweden to be with Annika and we spent almost ten days walking a ten k every day with Lill-Rocky and I got to see mom and my godmother and it was glorious all the way round. Covid got worse so we are working some from home again and are dedensifying our classrooms. The saga about the farm continues unabated and I am not sure what to do but I am pretty frustrated. J is almost healthy but slower and less able to hold on to details. The cats both have kidney issues and the vet is not able to keep them apart so information is wonky. And Texas has signed into law 666 items one worse than the other including a ban on abortion after the first six weeks. Fuck.

Covid numbers:

World  223,369,412 cases - 4,609,427 dead - 5,619,748,439 vaccine doses

US 40,625,721 cases - 654,806 dead - 376,274,500 vaccine doses

Texas 3,794,571 cases -  59,338 dead 338 

Sweden 1,138,017 cases - 14,703 dead - 13,138,198 vaccine doses

I will start writing again. Maybe just a sentence every day. or a few words.