Monday, May 04, 2020

WTF - week eight

May 4
Argh ... or something. The ongoing saga is going on and it is tiresome and exhausting. I keep registering people, so that is good. Got a short walk for lunch and then when Jim was on a conference call I did a one and a half mile walk in 30 minutes and listed ton 10CC and it was glorious.

World: 3,582,469 - 251,510
US: 1,180,288 - 68,922 dead
Sweden: 22,721 - 2,769 dead

Florida: 36,897 - 1,399 (444,270 tested)
Texas 32,783 - 901 dead  (407,398 tested)

May 5

Cinco de Mayo on Taco Tuesday - eh. The silliness continues, but I did have a chance to talk to Kendra for a bit and I went for another walk.

World: 3,663,824 - 257,239
US: 1,204,479 - 71,070 dead
Sweden: 23,216 - 2,854 dead
Russia 155,370 - 1,451 dead
Florida: 37,439 - 1,471 dead
Texas 33,912 - 925 dead  (407,398 tested)

May 6

Did a test run for the LIVE event tomorrow. Got the catalog language for the degrees and actually learned a bit. Got VPN access installed. Talked to Anna F about her proposal. Got the list of graduating folks and prepared the "exit interview" file.

World: 3,755,341 - 263,831
US: 1,228,603 - 73,431 dead
Sweden: 23,918 - 2,941 dead

Florida: 38,002 - 1,539 dead (480,051 tested)
Texas 34,928 - 954 dead  (438,938 tested)


Town Hall went okay. Performance review went okay. Focus on professional development of PhDs and numbers/alums/recruiting. Did the walking again.

World: 3,846,861 - 269,584
US: 1,256,972 - 75,670 dead
Sweden: 24,623 - 3,040 dead

Florida: 38,8258 - 1,600 dead (492,950 tested)
Texas 36,047 - 985 dead  (455,162 tested)

May 8

Got closer on the catching up. Lunch with Michele. Town hall with all faculty and staff. Wonderful to see a hundred people present and talking. The discussion of RIF is scary as shit, but hopefully can be avoided. There is a part of me realizing a horrid thing - My brain will not process the really scary stuff and how real it is even for others because I am terrified even to be close to the fear and the helplessness and so my brain shuts off. I am sorry my empathy is limited - I am just terrified.

A bit shorter but still walk, with Marianne Faithful, then to Terry Blacks for barbeque. So fucking bizarre to be out in the world and realize how empty it is, how quiet. In between, the places that are open, that try to serve food or stuff and people are trying to be out and be normal but half of the people and all of the staff are wearing masks.

World: 3,939,119 - 274,917
US: 1,283,929 - 77,180 dead
Sweden: 25,265 - 3,175 dead

Florida: 39,199 - 1,669 dead (513,341 tested)
Texas 37,246 - 1,025 dead  (477,118 tested)

May 9

We started the day with Hannah's Zoom memorial, and then went to McKinney where Jim talked to a client and I went for a wonderful soothing walk. Hannah's spirit was in the grass and the trees and the birds and there was peace.
Then we went home for some lunch and then Grace in Gateway park and then sweets from 85 degrees and then the Godfather. It was a good day.

World: 4,024,973 - 279,321
US: 1,309,541 - 78,794 dead
Sweden: 25,921 - 3,220 dead

Florida: 40,001 - 1,715 dead (527,731 tested)
Texas 38,394 - 1,066 dead  (489,294 tested)

May 10

Called Rachel who was really not up for talking too much. Then talked to mom. Made breakfast. Went random for a bit and then Jim took a nap and me too for a little bit, but I got up coz I was anxious and sent out the PhD degree plans and that took too long and then it took a some time to recover and then we went by the storage space and ended up getting pizza for dinner and then watched another episode of DCI Banks.

World: 4,101,699 - 282,709
US: 1,329,260 - 79,526 dead
Sweden: 26,322 - 3,225 dead
Russia: 209,688 - 1,915 deead
Florida: 40,596 - 1,721 dead (538,948 tested)
Texas 39,258 - 1,094 dead  (501,776 tested)

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